4101#4 4 P155.00 “Recognition of genuine Model” AMI 2023FW Macaron Love Zhangzi Embroidery Zipper Hooding Jacket Putting on all the messy words We come directly to the product parameters: ✅ 380g Customized hand fabrics Each detail of the sleeve workmanship 100%restores the official website ✅ thread ✅ threads use 500g high grams of heavy pound cotton threaded same -cylinder same -color fixed -dye dyeing and fabric color differential machine washing. Washing is not easy to deform. All ZP fixed -dyeing wraps use ZP and original micr -ray lines to clearly reflect the differently. Zhangshui Washing  Differential three 4 pieces of random stickers are different. Follow the official website global purchase of the world without pressure ✅ Correct 12C high -gram heavy packaging ➕ striped paper color (4 color): black red heart black black heart gray white red heart

4101#4 4 P155.00 “Recognition of genuine Model” AMI 2023FW Macaron Love Zhangzi Embroidery Zipper Hooding Jacket Putting on all the messy words We come directly to the product parameters: ✅ 380g Customized hand fabrics Each detail of the sleeve workmanship 100%restores the official website ✅ thread ✅ threads use 500g high grams of heavy pound cotton threaded same -cylinder same -color fixed -dye dyeing and fabric color differential machine washing. Washing is not easy to deform. All ZP fixed -dyeing wraps use ZP and original micr -ray lines to clearly reflect the differently. Zhangshui Washing Differential three 4 pieces of random stickers are different. Follow the official website global purchase of the world without pressure ✅ Correct 12C high -gram heavy packaging ➕ striped paper color (4 color): black red heart black black heart gray white red heart

$156.00 $351.00
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4101#4 4 P155.00 “Recognition of genuine Model”
AMI 2023FW Macaron Love Chapter Embroidered Zipper Hooded Hooding Coat
Aside from all messy words, let’s go directly to the product parameters:
✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ 380g Custom Rough Hand Sensing Fabric
✅ Practice Rights Sleeve Each details 100%Restore official website
✅ Threads use 500g high grams of heavy pound cotton threaded cotton thread same -cylinder same -color fixed fixed -dye dyeing and fabric colorless machine washing machine Washing is not easy to deform
✅ Embroidery This is a big focus. Our home embroidery Each color is ZP fixed -dye wrap. Fixed -dye high -density high thickness V -shaped woven official website
✅ Tag sideline hanging official website Correct version 2023 version two water washing different markets, 4 pieces of random stickers
Pinduadu multi -quality, the maximum bust of the bust 134, please look at the size of the table to steal the picture, too much, beware of being mixed

Color (4 colors):
Black red heart black black heart gray white red heart



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